
Сообщения за март, 2020

5 busness ideas what became profit

Apple, Facebook, Google, SpaceX - all these projects began as simple experiments - these ideas seemed just crazy, but they tried to implement them anyway. In this article i want to tell about succesfull startup iseas what gave to their creator very big profit.    First would be twitter. Now almost everyone has it. Previously, Twitter was a small side project by Odeo. It was originally used as an SMS service for a small group of employees. The project did not seem interesting to the press and investors, despite the support of CEO Evan Williams. Now Mark Cukenberg is one of richest man in the world.   Second would be Oculus company. There are many stories about how well-known companies began their journey in garages: Apple, Google, Amazon, HP. And Oculus. After a long day at the University of California Mixed Reality (MXR) Laboratory, founder Palmer Lucky went to the garage to try and build the future of virtual reality. After one of the most successful Kickstarte...