Final topic
Some peoples have some special abilities. For example Alain Robert are the French Spider-man. He is very good in climbing. he was on the Eiffel tower and Empire state Building. But his hoby starts in a childhood, when he hasn't have his flat keys and nis parents went out, but he was adle to climb up the outside of the building. But from such hobbies appears a desiases and phobias. For eaxample thumb arthritss are apear in cause, that you a much time Talking by a phone. Or for example you may have a phobia, if your hobby is an archeology, you can meet some impartial siders and in cause of it have a arachophobia. But from all of this problems are exist a solution. For example from modern nasties you may use remedies. Vinegar are a good way to cure a thumb arthrits. But cure phobias are not so easy, like cure a modern nasties. You need to tyr to face your fear... little by little.If you afraid of the dogs, you may take a dog like a pet. If you see, that y...