
5 busness ideas what became profit

Apple, Facebook, Google, SpaceX - all these projects began as simple experiments - these ideas seemed just crazy, but they tried to implement them anyway. In this article i want to tell about succesfull startup iseas what gave to their creator very big profit.    First would be twitter. Now almost everyone has it. Previously, Twitter was a small side project by Odeo. It was originally used as an SMS service for a small group of employees. The project did not seem interesting to the press and investors, despite the support of CEO Evan Williams. Now Mark Cukenberg is one of richest man in the world.   Second would be Oculus company. There are many stories about how well-known companies began their journey in garages: Apple, Google, Amazon, HP. And Oculus. After a long day at the University of California Mixed Reality (MXR) Laboratory, founder Palmer Lucky went to the garage to try and build the future of virtual reality. After one of the most successful Kickstarte...

Customer service

I want to tell you about my customer service, express service window. It’s needed for customers, who late for somewhere or just too lazy to come inside the building and take his order by staying in waiting line. But i met some people, who use express service window only because they don’t want to hold up queue and they get mad because of people who order a lot, for a company, party, or hey just want to eat all that food. It’s not common customer service, i’ve seen it only in MacDonalds and burger King.

2 module

2A. Tomorrows world Dr Manuel Torres and Prof Paul Luckham have invented a spray clothes made from cotton, wool, linen. It costs 10£. As you arrive home you put groceries on the kitchen and she gives you recipes. You move into living room and it organise your evening. It’s new e-home-the house of the future 2B. As you walk into supermarket you feel smell of  freashy-baked bred and you start to feel hunger. Then you want to buy a lot of food ‘Buy one get one free’ might sound like the great bargrain, but do you really need it? Custumers tend to choose products that are at eye level. 2C. Jeans: in 19th century sailors from Genoa and Italy wore trousers. Then, in 1853, 24 year old Levi Straus decided to make a trousers for workers. In 1950 jeans become popular. Potato chips: in 1853 George Crum worked in restaurant and a custumer sent Crunt’s French fries back to the kitchen saying they were too thick. He made thin fries that customer couldn’t eat it with a fork. Then all oth...

Consumer Society: Plan

1. Making notes about different topics of one Country 2. Reading texts in Studentbook

Breaking News: Plan

Breaking News Plan: 1. Read books 2. Read studentbook 3. saw News on the TV 4. Read American and English News articles

Why my character is like me

    I think, that my character is like me, because both of us can joking adding a black humor. For example, in the book, Ralph (main Character) joking at the overwheight of his friend and give him a nickname “piggy”, like he wore in school. Piggy asks Ralph to doesn't talk his nickname to other children, but Ralph tell them an each other starts to calling the boy "Piggy". One more same things, thats both of us are can fast connecting with people. In the book, Ralph quickly became a leader because all children became friends with Ralph.

Final topic

Some peoples have some special abilities. For example Alain Robert are the French Spider-man. He is very good in climbing. he was on the Eiffel tower and  Empire state Building. But his hoby starts in a childhood, when he hasn't have his flat keys and nis parents went out, but he was adle to climb up the outside of the building.   But from such hobbies appears a desiases and phobias. For eaxample thumb arthritss are apear in cause, that you a much time Talking by a phone. Or for  example you may have a phobia, if your hobby is an archeology, you can meet some impartial siders and in cause of it have a arachophobia.   But from all of this problems are exist a solution. For example from modern nasties you may use remedies. Vinegar are a good way to cure a thumb arthrits. But cure phobias are not so easy, like cure a modern nasties. You need to tyr to face your fear... little by little.If  you afraid of the dogs, you may take a dog like a pet. If you see, that y...